VIDCON DAY TWO! This post took me the entire month to write because I had so much to say. I tried to make my commentary as concise as possible while still showing how excited I was about everything that happened. If youtube isn't really your thing, you can skip the words and just look at the pictures, but you didn't need me to tell you that.
At VidCon, getting somewhere a half hour early is like arriving an hour and a half late, so my anxiety level was off the wall when my friends and I showed up 30 minutes before the doors opened. It wasn't until we got into the building 20 minutes later that we realized we were in the wrong place! Because of a wrong turn our ride took when dropping us off, we unknowingly got in line for the mainstage when we actually wanted to be in line for the expo hall. Noooo! My friends and I scrambled through random doors until we found a side entrance to the expo hall. That's when God blessed us. The doors to the signing area hadn't been opened to community members yet, but no one was prohibiting people from using the side entrance either. In other words, we got to get in line for famous youtube peeps before anyone else AND we didn't have to wait in line for hours! We were the second group in line to meet Charlie (of Charlieissocoollike, duh). Thank you Jesus!
The line to meet Charlie and Friends right after we got out of it |
Then a dude we met the day before let us hop in line with him to meet the British beauty gurus Zoella, Sprinkleofglitter, and Tanya Burr. Honestly, they're people I don't watch, but my friend loves them and we got to cut in line, so good things!
An hour into waiting for the British Crew and I see Michael Buckley! Ten minutes after that... JOSEPH BIRDSONG! I love this kid. He puts the bop in the bop shoo bop shoo bop.
Finally our shot with the British Crew!
(Yes, Caspar is from South Africa, but it's just like calling One Direction a British boy band even though Niall is from Ireland.) These five dudes have a combined total of over 5,895,000 subscribers. Girls were crying.
We people were bribing other fans with money to let them cut in line. Marriage proposals were made. It was a zoo. Erin and I spent five minutes discussing who we were going to stand by: "I want to touch Caspar the most, but I don't really care about Joe or Jim." I'm lucky my friend is extremely generous and let me stand by Alfie and Marcus even though she's in love with Alfie.
Everything I learned about sex, I learned from Laci Green's sex education videos. She held a very casual meetup on the grass and it was so cool to just hang out with her. I could only stay at the meetup for a short while before I had to go back to waiting in line for the British Crew, so I didn't get to personally talk with Laci or get a picture with her. My friend, on the other hand, had a one-on-one with her and they basically shared their life stories.
Being a Dave Days fan means you're a Chris C fan by default. Dave and Chris are real life best friends who often make collaborative videos which I obsess over. I saw Chris again on the second day and had him sign my shirt with pink sharpie (he's the only one who signed in pink!). We talked for a minute and he made a joke and it was a dream. Then I took 11 pictures of him without his knowledge. You know, for reasons.

Of course, we had to meet the queen of YouTube (and Twitter, Taco Bell, Tumblr, etc.). Tyler Oakley is special to me and my friends because he, like us, is from MICHIGAN. We didn't want to leave his line without a picture and a signature, so we got creative. Since massively popular youtubers can't do both without being there for 80+ hours, we figured that if we were last in line, he'd make an exception. We were near the end anyway, so we let a few groups of people cut in line and BOOYA we were last. He greeted us with open arms and we told him we were from the mitten state and he exclaimed, "My people!"
FiveAwesomeGirls fangirl moment! In eighth grade, I religiously watched
5AG, one of the best video projects on Youtube, so I was happy beyond belief to meet Lauren and Kristina. I also saw Liane, but she was smoking a cigarette with some dudes outside and I didn't want to interrupt.
During Meekakitty's singing set, I glanced behind me and standing an arms' length away was Shawna and Mitchell Davis! Mitchell and I made eye contact and he looked at me like, "Please don't ask for a picture," so I pretended to act as if it were completely normal to have two of youtube's most inspiring content creators standing behind me. Shawna was a sweetheart though and stayed to take pictures with fans after her best friend's performance was over.

The hotels on Anaheim Convention Center's property are prime grounds for meeting youtubers of all ranks. Walking around the lobby is like walking into that one Disney Channel special where Raven, Hannah Montana, and Zack & Cody are all staying in the same hotel. As I strode to meet the main dude from Epic Meal Time, I turned around for a second and saw someone a thousand times better. Troye Sivan had miraculously made it to the front desk without having a mob of fangirls following him... and then my friends asked for pictures which attracted a line of people. Sorry Troye!

And finally, the perfect ending to a perfect day. My friend and I were making our way out of the hotel to leave VidCon for good when we ran into Soundlyawake. My moth dropped; I was starstruck. Despite the fact that his physical presence made me forget his name and how to say anything other than "ohmygod," he was incredibly sweet and asked if I wanted a picture. He noticed my friend making a disappointed face after taking the first picture so he was like, "Oh, is the lighting bad? Let's take another one." None of the youtubers I met this weekend could compare to how nice he was. He deserves all the positive adjectives.
Thank you for reading about my VidCon adventures :) I hope to compile a list of tips and secrets for anyone who wishes to enjoy the event in the future.