Some people are obsessed with energy drinks or the smell of sunscreen or following the downward spiral of a celebrity. Me, I'm obsessed with tights.
I've always been attracted to obnoxious, unconventional, eye-catching patterns, and that's why I'm so drawn to the tights section in any clothing store. These days, they offer so many different designs and thicknesses that it seems they'd be impossible to pair with any outfit. My favorite kinds, though, are the ones that don't match with anything. If life were a cartoon, bubbly pink hearts would float above my head every time I saw a unique pair.
bows - paisley - flowers - favorite - peacock - renaissance |
These are my fun ones that I get to wear, like, never because it's so hard to find something that matches. I mean, I'm totally for the outrageous outfit, but I don't want to look crazy. Unfortunately, having a liking for funky patterns means all my dresses and skirts are far from plain. In other words, I can't mix bold tights with an equally bold dress; that's just too much. So usually I only wear these while at home when I know I won't be judged for looking like a four-year-old who got to pick out her clothes for the first time.
When I feel like torturing myself, I search online for cool tights that I know I'll never be able to have. Here are a few of my favorites:
Summer is always a little disappointing because it means I don't get to wear my thicker tights. It also means people expect to see bare legs, but I don't feel comfortable in skirts or dresses without wearing tights too. If I had more confidence, I'd find ways to wear tights with every outfit, but for now, I'll stick to wearing them once every week or so, nothing too daring. Oh, and I'll keep buying them too, as it's been a habit of mine to get a new pair every time I went home from college.
On Repeat: "Come & Get It" - Selena Gomez
Can I come to your house and make you outfits? Pretty please with sprinkles on top? :)