Saturday, July 27, 2013

Friday Five (On Saturday)

1. I only just discovered that British people say "ladybird" instead of "ladybug". My world is shattered.

2. I also just realized that it means the same thing if you say, "That isn't yours," or "That's not yours." Contractions are fun! Think of all the possibilities! 

3. The Cocoa Almond Spread from Trader Joe's is one of the best chocolatey non-chocolates I've ever had. It's basically Nutella but made from almonds and it tastes sooooooo much better. No need for you to fret about what to gift me for holidays because this treat will be just fine until I'm old and have no teeth, in which case you can give me double.

4. The vintage Lisa Frank collection from Urban Outfitters is a total scam because I went to Meijer today and picked up some rainbow-tastic folders with smiling dolphins and big-eyed tigers on them. They're not vintage, but they're just as cute and didn't cost me any vital organs.

5. If you're a fan of both pizza and Subway, try Subway's new Flatizza. Add bacon for 50 cents* extra and OHEMGEEZLES IT IS THE BEST THING ON EARTH. Also, I frown upon you if you pass on parmesan cheese and oregano powder (who doesn't like free cheese AND extra flavor goodness?).

On Repeat: "A tout a l'heure" - Bibio
Currently Reading: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Days Until California: 3. *gulp*
Days until I no longer have to work at Subway:  20!!!!!!!

*holy crap, I also just discovered that there is no symbol for cents on the keyboard. God, Erika, what is your life.

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