Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Baking Adventures: June

Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookies: Red velvet has deceived me. Red Velvet is the manic pixie dream girl to my sensitive teenage boy. At school, they would have these red velvet cheesecake bars and I would die every time they were served because they were seriously the most delicious things I've ever tasted. Since then, I've had this idea that red velvet is the delectable yet dangerous gem of the baking world. So when I saw these cookies on Pinterest, I had to try my start at baking something red velvet. When I first made them, I was so disappointed. They tasted like a regular chocolate chip cookie and they were super flat, and it totally turned me off to sweets for a couple of days. But I had left over mix and chocolate chips, so I made them again today when Anna, my baking bestie, came over. I put the dough in the fridge to chill instead of the freezer, and baked them for longer. They turned out wonderfully, and I actually liked them the second time around. If you make these, double the recipe or else you'll have leftover mix. Perfect for Valentine's Day :)
Would I make them again? Yes, only because Anna and my brother absolutely loved them.
Rating: First time: 1/5; Second time: 4/5

Frozen Yogurt Covered Blueberries: These barely qualify as a baked item, but they took time in the kitchen, and they could pass as candy if I was creative enough with the words in this description. I used blueberry Greek yogurt, but I think next time I'll use raspberry or strawberry. It took a while to spear each blueberry with a toothpick and cover it in yogurt, but that meant I also got a lot of time to groove to summer songs. They're surprisingly addictive for not being the best things ever.
Would I make them again? Yes
Rating: 3/5

Neapolitan Cupcakes: Baking with my boyfriend, part II! These are the best things of my life. When I die, I want to float up to heaven while cuddled on the saccharine frosting of this strawberry brownie cupcake. STRAWBERRY CAKE & BROWNIE CUPCAKE. That's heaven right there. You fill the bottom half of the cake liners with brownie mix, and the top half with strawberry cake mix, and then frost it with your favorite vanilla frosting after baking. I recommend putting the brownie half in the oven for a few minutes before you add the strawberry mix, because after the recommended 20 minutes were up, the strawberry portion was perfect, but the brownie part wasn't cooked enough. After these, I am never making normal cupcakes again.
Would I make them again? YES OMG YES YES YES
Rating: A thousand rainbows and sprinkles and smiles (5)/5

On Repeat: "LA Story" - Sammy Adams ft. Mike Posner
Currently Reading: The Last Little Blue Envelope by Maureen Johnson
Days until Colorado: 2
Days until California: 42

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