Friday, November 15, 2013

3 things to be inspired by

Some things for you to consider, process, and get inspired by as you start a new day:

If you have a spare hour to watch this entire video, you will not feel like you wasted your time. It documents the physical abuse that Clayton Moss endured as a 6 year old and how he is living now at the age of 19.
 The messages I got from this video were to (1) always be considerate and treat people with more respect than you'd give yourself, (2) trust your gut, always always always, and (3) reach out to people; be kind and friendly. I was reminded of a quote I heard over the summer: you never know when you'll be the answer to somebody's prayer. By doing any of these three things, you may save someone's life (and cause a chain reaction).

If you've ever wondered why our pets have such short lives, read the answer that a little boy gave after he witnessed his dog's death.



sometimes the most innocent of children, have answers for the most complicated of questions.

Again, I was reminded that our mission on this earth is to love others and do good. Yes, do good. Just like Mr. Feeny says...
(via: ology)
(I was flipping through channels so I could multi-task while folding laundry when I saw the last episode of Boy Meets World was on. Cue ugly cry fest. Nothing makes me feel as nostalgic and old as this episode does.)

Spread the love today!!! And then share what you do to make a positive impact on our world so that we all may be inspired afresh.

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